I was going to pop on tonight real quick to share pictures of the girls' new play room, but instead I find myself sharing pictures I took during my 10 minute walk through my backyard this evening. Actually, I went out to shoot just one picture of a gorgeous lone red rose perched beautifully above all the other flowers in our fairy garden...
but then the beautiful flowers and buzzing bumblebees sucked me into their world and I just couldn't stop snapping pictures. Such a gorgeous evening here in Portland, Oregon!
This bumblebee is enjoying the blue blossoms of this California Lilac...
And here is our first poppy already sleeping the evening away...
This fairy house was what I treated myself to from the OPA (Oregon Pottery Association) show last month...
Perhaps it's supposed to be a bird house, but it is the perfect fairy house for our fairy garden, if you ask me!
Another bumblebee happily doing what bumblebees do...
Yes, the Spanish Lavendar is quite the popular attraction these days with these little guys!
Chives in full blossom...
and our carrots are growing!
At this point during my walk everything in the garden looked beautiful to me--even the grass growing against the raised beds. :)
A strawberry! Those darn slugs better not get this one tonight... it is allllmost ready to pick! Thanks to those on facebook who gave me the tip to surround my strawberries with crushed eggshells to prevent the slugs from getting to the strawberries--I'm hoping it works. :)
And here's what I've been worked on today--making teepees out of my Dad's apple branch prunings for our beans and peas to grow on. (The bigger teepee on the far left was made using bamboo sticks purchased from Fred Meyers.)
I'm pretty pleased with how they turned out. :)
Grow peas and beans, groooow!
Oh, and I couldn't leave the garden without taking a picture of Miss A's "army of pinecones" that she surrounded her pinecone fairy house with.
Our little fairy seems to not mind them much...
Happy Monday night to you all!
Pamela, a gal who's happy to have her nails dirty with dirt right now after a long day's work in her garden
(post edit: After a long day spent outside, I am just now reading the news of the devastating tornado that killed so many in Oklahoma today. So incredibly sad--those poor children, poor families. My heart aches for and with you. Big prayers to you.)