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January 01, 2013



Pam - LOVE the doll quilt! Lots of good thoughts in this post. Happy New Year to you!

Becky Green

HAPPY NEW YEAR to you & yours too Pamela! :) LOOOOOVE seeing your kids with their gifts & their little faces! :) TOOO SWEET!
I KNOW EXACTLY what you mean about the internet! I have been finding myself wanting to get away from it too! NOT because I compare myself to others, BUT because it DOES occupy SOOO MUCH TIME & you walk away with WHAT? NOT MUCH! There are OTHER THINGS that are MUCH MORE IMPORTANT! Things that would improve a person, ACTUALLY reach out & touch someone CLOSE-BY & make a REAL DIFFERENCE! I too have a blog & haven't posted since before Christmas--my son home from college & feeling that need to STAY AWAY....MAYBE, I'll do what you're doing & just take a break till I can find a way of blending what my heart is telling me to do with my blog OR posting less often! THANKS for your little words of wisdom Pamela! :)

Steph B.

Love it! My daughter and niece got AG dolls too from their Grandma. I had a friend make them doll quilts as well! I love the doll beds your girls have, so cute!

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