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January 06, 2012



I love the idea of making matching hats for the birthday girl and her dolly! As always, it is a joy to visit your site. :-)


Such great ideas! I love the colors you used for the baby quilt and matching birthday hats! I can't believe your baby's 2 now!! How did that happen. Sometime we need to get Bryn and Jane together (maybe once Bryn's over her "everything's mine" stage, though! :0) I have to say, I'm a firm believer of early bedtimes, too. I love the time in the evenings where I can spend time with just my hubby and relax! We have the right idea on that!! :0) Love you. Oh yeah, Paige loved the Christmas card and picture you sent. She had to have it in her room because it was from Avery! So sweet!

Becky Green

SOOO VERY SWEET!!!!!!!!!! I have to say, you're BRAVE!!!!! Buying toys with all the POTENTIAL NOISE.....My sister-in-law bought our son a REALLY NOISY toy once, I think just to aggrivate us; REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She thought it REALLY FUNNY! I discovered our nephew liked police men & cookies & guess what I found???? A police man cookie jar! Everytime you opened the lid, it would say, "STEP AWAY FROM THE COOKIE JAR!" It cracked me up! Every time I hit a bump in the store, it would go off! In the car going home too! Our nephew LOVED IT! And they heard that cookie jar ALL THE WAY, on their LONG DRIVE home! My sister-in-law said they FINALLY had to box it up at home because their son would CONSTANTLY play with it! We NEVER got a noisey toy again!!!!!!!! :)

Pamela Susan

Thanks, Kristie! The hats were so much fun to make. I was giddy like a little kid just thinking of the party for Miss J. :)

Pamela Susan

Thanks, Jami! :) Yes, we need to get our entire families together! When are you heading this way again? :) xoxo

Pamela Susan

ha ha! so far we're loving the instruments... they haven't given me a headache yet! lol


What an awesome birthday pics. Jane is soooo beautiful! And I am loving her fun, curly hair :)


Oh, Pam. Oh, oh, oh. That's all I can say. There isn't a single detail about these photos I don't appreciate. The curls, the mama and baby hands, the pure affection between Jane and her baby, the colors of the skirt, the way cool drum, the lights in teh background..... I am swooning over these... Wonderful job Mama!

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