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November 03, 2010



I just wore that fabulous wool jacket today! I'm taking my mom to Switch on Friday for her birthday so she can pick out something fun.

Great post!

Pamela Susan

That jacket looks great on you! I'm so happy you got it. How fun you and your mom are going Friday. Did you see they are having a sale that day, including 30% off all outer wear?! Have fun!


Pamela Susan,

Hello! I got on your website only to be disappointed you aren't taking any orders...I already have one of your charm necklaces, but I am having a baby and need to get one for him (and also add to my mother in laws collection)...Is there anyway I can get them made? My email address is [email protected]. Let me know. Thanks!


Alright, next time I go to Portland I'm checking out this store. I'm and Anthro freak, so you've piqued my curiosity! But I totally agree with you on the quality though - I've got a few things that didn't hold up like they should.

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