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July 14, 2009


Dionne C

All your fam seems to have a garden or farm of some sort! Oats, wow! And those cherries look yummy!

What a great time you must have had - sounds like a fun vacation, and that slide looks AWESOME!!!


We had parallel vacations :o) Where in Idaho were you? It was so pretty there last week!


I'm so glad you had a great trip and arrived home safely! Let me know when you'll be in town for our canning adventure with Yumi - I can't wait! :)


Hey, I miss you!


Welcome back! Thank you for sharing such a sweet story of your family trip along with beautiful pictures. YOu have a wonderful family and relatives. And such a great nature close to your every day life. The nature of your country is huge and dynamic. By the way for the first time I tried canning for just two small bottles of blackberry sauce with a help of a Japanese cooking book my mother-in-law used to use. I was quite nervous when I steamed them. I'll see whether I did well or not. I put them in a refrigerator along with another bottle which was not stemaed anyway under our hot and dump summer climate.

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