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July 27, 2009



Such a great news!
Congratulations on the first place !
These are all beautiful and must-be-delicious canning fruits. I wish I could have a spoonful of these fruits.
How amazing to know canning is such an important and popular part of your daily life of food. You are so fortunate to have a plenty of fruits in everyday life.


Those are great ideas Pam! And congratulations on the first place in the contest. I can't believe you are already finding out what it is going to be? I hope it is a boy, It would be really fun for you guys to experience how fun boys can be too.


Third time was the charm for us! We finally got our boy. Sending good vibes your way! :) Also, I'm LOVING the applesauce stripes and I'm a sucker for anything with polka-dots! You are so creative! Can I just say that I love that you won a prize! That's hilarious!

Dionne C

Oh I love the stripes! And congrats on winning - hooray for you! I love it, it's really unique.

And oh my gosh - I am excited to hear what your little kidlet will be!!!

lyndsey | paper girl

wow, nice work -- who knew you could be so creative with applesauce? haha. i've never canned anything in my life, you should share your recipe :)


Loooove your applesauce! Each jar has such personality, almost too pretty to eat, or even put away in a cupboard.

Next time you're down, make sure to check out the new u-pick peach orchard on Lone Elder just east of Barlow. The price is right, Red Havens should be ripe sometime this week, with Suncrest coming on in about another week. Have you noticed what an amazing, bounteous year it's been in the garden and the local orchards?

I finally took the plunge into learning to use Clear Jel this year, and have been madly putting up low-sugar cobbler filling along with all the jams and straight-pack fruit. :)


Congrats! Mmmm...cinnamon applesauce! I just remembered how much I love that homemade!

I bet that raspberry and blueberry is super good!

Ooh, can't wait to hear about the baby!


What a fantastic and fun idea. I love the striped applesauce. And I love the jar you have your polka dot applesauce in. I think canning jars are fun. Hmmmm our fair is coming up, this gives me ideas.

and thanks for recommending my site!


Pamela Susan

Hi Susan! I'm going to check out that peach orchard next week when I visit Canby--thanks so much for letting me know about it! My Mom loved Clear Jel--it sounds like you're getting a lot done!! :)

Pamela Susan

Hi, it's me again! Do you know what the name of the peach orchard is? I want to head down there soon but want to call ahead to check the price and to see which variety is on.

Thanks!! :)

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