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July 01, 2009


Dionne C

Yay! I can't believe how long you held this news in for! I was wondering when you were going to blog about it on here. I am soooo sooo happy for you!


Congrats Pam..that is so exciting! Good luck with everything!!


Oh how exciting! Such a great news! My friends having more than 2 kids often told me that they really enjoyed the third pregnancy. It was all different from the first two they said. After a baby arrived, everyone in thier family almost spoiled a baby. hahaha! Anyway you must be busy as usual. Do take good care of yourself! Nice picture! You're beautiful.


You know how happy I am for you! And you really are very good at keeping secrets. Do take as many naps as you can, sleeping equals sanity when pregnant.

Big love,


You are GORGEOUS!!! Three babies are SO much fun!!! Love you.

Dionne C

Quick question - where did you get that dress/top? My friend is newly pregnant and I want to get her some pretty clothes, but not maternity wear - she refuses to wear it.

This doesn't look like maternity wear, so as long as it has no mention of the word maternity on it, this would be perfect!

Pamela Susan

Thank you, everyone!! :)

Dionne--I bought the dress/top at Ross for only $11.99!! I love it! And you are correct--it's not a maternity dress. :) Good luck finding it!


Yay!!! Congrats!!!


how very exciting! congratulation to you all. i remember how my two girls were so excited waiting for "little bod" to make an appearance! and the look on their wee faces when they came with me and first heard a heartbeat. precious times ahead


WOOT WOOT! Congrats!


you look beautiful pam!! so excited for the new addition to your family! lots of love -erica

Katie Cherry

Congrats Pamela I am so excited for you and your family!

lyndsey | paper girl

um...i stop reading blogs for a few weeks [with the move and all] and look what i miss! CONGRATULATIONS!!! that is so exciting :)

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