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April 24, 2009


Dionne C

This all looks so good! Thanks for the recipe, the yam and potato combination sounds fabulous! I am a huge seafood fan, but have never tried cooking with scallops before, I should try it!

That is such a good idea to tie in the soap with some earrings. That's an awesome idea!

And happy birthday to your Daddio!


My sister-in-law's family makes mashed potatoes that way too, and they are so good! Everytime he sees me making something with sweet potatoes or yams my husband wrinkles his nose and says he doesn't like them. And yet, he always ends up liking the finished dish.

I love the soap & earrings idea, although your soaps sound good enough to eat :o)


Ooh, what a yummy mash! And, much healthier too! I'll have to give it a try. Oh, and I just remembered that my mother roasts butternut squash and then mashes it like potatoes (with a hand masher, I tried it once in the mixer and it didn't work right) with butter, salt and pepper - the best!


Oh wow... I can't wait to make some of those yam/mashed potatoes! They're so pretty too. Thanks for sharing :)


Your food and soap look amazing. I wish we lived closer to one another! :)


Sooo..... did you make it down to Wooden Shoe? I have the good fortune to drive past twice a day, going to and from work, and this year is one of the best displays of color I can remember. Peak bloom is right now, too --- two weeks after the festival was supposed to have been over! Gotta love Mother Nature in Oregon.

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