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March 30, 2009


Dionne C

Oh these are sooo cute. What a great idea for place card holders! I love the cute spotty one.


Just had to let you know that I'm on my way to the post office with your package!


Pamela Susan

Thanks, Dionne! They are so much fun to make.

Anna--I can't wait to receive your gift! I'll be mailing yours in the morning. :)


Hi, Oh these are just no comparision to other "fake eggs" !!!! I live in New England and rarely are we able to have outdoor egg hunts due to the weather. These will be perfect to hide inside. I'd like to start a tradition of adding a new one each year. I just ordered some pastel roving off of etsy and can't wait to start. Do you have any advice on how to get the egg shape? (I have made acorns before). About how much roving do you start with?

Thanks for being so creative!


Pamela Susan

Hi Jennifer! I love your idea of adding a new one to your collection every year! If I remember correctly, I achieved the egg shape by needle felting the top portion more than the bottom. It might help to have an actual egg with you to refer to. As for the amount of roving I used, it's hard to say...I think at first I didn't have enough but just wrapped more around what I had started until I liked the size. I hope that helps! I would love to see a picture of what you make. :)

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