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December 21, 2008


Alisha Munroe

Too fun! good job on the picture steps.


Great site!!How do I make the cute snowman????


I agree!! Easy to follow...great pics!!

Pamela Susan

Thank you, you two!! :)

Pamela Susan

Thanks, Cyndi! To make the snowman I basically applied the same principles as the acorn...and just sculpt away! It was the first time I felted a snowman so I kinda winged it. Have you bought a needle-felting kit?


It's been a long way for me to have a try! I've been fascinated with needle felting ever since I read your post. Yesterday I picked up one "supposedly-easy" kit for needle felting and some more different colors of wool. I uploaded a post and linked your post. Thank you for inspiring me. Have a nice day!

Nina Jay M.

OK.. this is another craft I would love to learn (oh boy I bet my husband would just be thrilled if I took up another craft!) These are just too cute!

Island Cottage Art and Design

I bought a book on felting at Tuesday Mornings for $5.00 and fell in love with the look of felting. I recently purchased roving, and the needles, etc... but hadn't had the time to start felting. This tutorial is wonderful and has gotten me motivated to pull out my tools and start with the small acorn project.

And the snowman... adorable!


I so want to make these!

Alyce Kennedy

Hi! Love your felted snowman! I have bodies that are ready to go but can't get past the eyes...how do you get a piece of roving that tiny??

Pamela Susan

Ack! Sorry I'm just now responding! I don't know how I missed this.

I just roll up a tiny piece of wool and poke it in place... hope that is helpful! :)

Valli Sugden

These are the cutest things, ever! Love the felted look. You are so clever and artistic.

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