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December 18, 2008



Thanks Pamela! It's so nice to see my pincushion getting some use! Also, the painting looks really sweet next to the doll. :) I'm so glad you like everything!


Ottoman's (Summer's?) stuff is so amazing--I've been stalking her blog. I feel inadequate to have my little doll next to a real artist's work. And that first collar you listed is the one we have for Shirley with matching leash! I love it. I feel like I know all these famous people. Look how cool I am. :)

Pamela Susan

Elissa, I know...I love Summer's stuff! And yes, you are so very cool... :)


Hey Pamela! Thank you for featuring Classic Hound - it's so fun to see my collars up here on your blog. Keep the posts coming - I love reading your blog! :D

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